The early years pupil premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for 3 and 4 year olds whose families meet the eligibility criteria. Please click here to see if your family is eligible:
- We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of each pupil
- We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups; this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
- We recognise that pupils eligible for Pupil Premium have a wide range of needs, including stretch and challenge for the most able, and we use the funding to improve outcomes for the full range of eligible pupils.
- We also recognise that not all pupils who are vulnerable are registered or qualify for Pupil Premium funding. We reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil, or group of pupils, who the school has identified as being at risk of underachievement.
- We track the progress of pupil premium children rigorously to ensure there is a positive impact on learning outcomes.
- We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of each pupil
- We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups; this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
- We recognise that pupils eligible for Pupil Premium have a wide range of needs, including stretch and challenge for the most able, and we use the funding to improve outcomes for the full range of eligible pupils.
- We track the progress of pupil premium children rigorously to ensure there is a positive impact on learning outcomes.
For each eligible child the school receives an extra 53p per hour and uses it to provide additional support to meet these individual children’s needs.
EYPP funding 2023-2024
EYPP statement Headington quarry Foundation Stage School 2023-2024Spring
Autumn 2023-£1,186.50
Spring 2024-£1,626.50
Summer 2024-TBC
EYPP Funding 2022-2023
EYPP statement Headington quarry Foundation Stage School2022-2023 V3
EYPP funding 2021-2022
EYPP statement Headington quarry Foundation Stage School2021-2022
Autumn- 667.80
Spring- 778.80
Summer- 778.80
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
Headington Quarry Autumn Pupil Premium Strategy
In this academic year 2020-2021 our allocations were as followed:
Autumn -556.50
Summer- £667.80
This our Pupil Premium Strategy for the Academic year so far:
Headington Quarry Foundation Stage School Pupil Premium Strategy
In the academic year 2019-2020 our allocations were as follows:
Autumn -£333.90
Summer- £286.20
In the academic year 2018-2019 we had no children who were eligible for pupil premium funding.
We have termly review meetings and monitor progress of all our children to make sure they are making good progress and diminishing the difference between themselves and their peers.
Funds are spent with the following aims in mind:
-Close the attainment gap and accelerate progress.
-Provide experiences that enhance and enrich children’s learning.
Value for money has been sought through reference to research and impact via the Educational Endowment fund website.